
chronic illness stories

Looking for general advice and tips on chronic illness as a whole? From patient chronic illness stories to general tips to food hacks, start here.

covering the basics on chronic illness

What is Neurodiversity? The Diverse Ways Our Brains Operate

The many elements of neurodiversity - and given the right environment, each of these diverse brains can unlock its unique perspectives and strengths.

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Knowing When To Take a Step Back When Living With Chronic Illness

When Ari tells people she's sick, they usually think she means something short-term and contagious like the flu. If Ari says she have a chronic illness, they picture conditions like IBS, a bad back, or chronic migraines. 

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Disability and (In)Visibility: Not All Disabilities Are “Visible”

What makes some disabilities visible? How does disability visibility change the way individuals and systems in our society recognize disabilities as “valid”?  Here are a few things to keep in mind about disability visibility:

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lifestyle tips

6 Ways to Build Confidence Despite Chronic Illness

Living with chronic illness can significantly impact your confidence levels and change how you look at yourself. It’s common to feel as though your body has ‘let you down’ or ‘is broken’. These beliefs understandably make you feel less confident in yourself. 

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Top Movies and TV Shows Dealing with Chronic Illness You Should Watch

We've put together a list of our favorite movies and TV shows that depict chronic illness and disability stories with understanding, authenticity, and respect.

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3 Ways to Know When Someone Needs Your Support

If someone you care about seems to be struggling but hasn’t directly come to you, don’t take it personally! Many barriers can prevent someone from letting themselves be vulnerable. Here are some tips for reading the situation.

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Gift Ideas For Chronic Illness Warriors & Friends in the Fight

Whether you are looking for a comforting present for a sick friend, someone who’s homebound, or a care package for a sick mom – pick one or more of our functional AND thoughtful gift ideas for chronic illness warriors.

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Body Positivity Month: Celebrating Our Differences

We’ve loved seeing model Winnie Harlow celebrating how her skin, like her mind, continues to change over the years. For Body Positivity Month, let’s join her in loving our bodies for all the things they do for us and accepting the changes that come.

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3 Ways to Embrace & Celebrate Spring

For us spoonies, celebrating spring is a much-needed tonic to remind ourselves that change in our world is ever-present.  Our lives can open up to forgotten joys with this new season of rebirth.  

Looking for meaningful ways to greet change this season?  Here are 3 tips for celebrating spring when living with a chronic illness.

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Traveling With a Chronic Illness: Tips For Packing & Preparing

Whether visiting family or doing some solo trip, this time of year can be full of traveling. Knowing what to pack for your condition can feel daunting, especially with a new diagnosis. The best thing to do is to determine your packing list well ahead of time. 

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4 Pro Tips on Traveling with a Disability & Chronic Illness

We have compiled top tips from travel enthusiasts and Mighty Well brand ambassadors on how they manage traveling with a disability or illness.  Follow their tips, and travel like a pro.

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food hacks

5 Cooking Hacks for People With Chronic Illness

A common challenge in the spoonie community is food. That’s why we put together a list of our top 5 hacks for people cooking with chronic illness.

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Summer Recipes: Spoonie-Friendly Frozen Desserts

Who doesn’t love a frozen treat on a hot day? Here are some ways to get your frozen fix at home.

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Packing Lunch: 5 Tips for Easy, On-the-Go, Spoonie-Friendly Meals

No matter what your journey has looked like, cooking and packing up meals can sap a lot of spoons. Here are our top 5 tips for making healing, easily adaptable, packable lunches.

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working while having a chronic illness

4 Tips to Foster Disability Inclusion in the Workplace

If you are an employer wanting to make your own business more inclusive for folks with chronic illness and disabilities, here are some tips to get you started.

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5 Light Jobs for Chronically Ill Spoonies to Earn Extra Income

We’ve listed a few ideas for light workload jobs for chronically ill spoonies to get your online job hunting started. It would be helpful if you already have the skill set for each job. But don’t worry if you don’t have them yet; everything can be learned.

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How to Navigate Your Career When Working with a Chronic Illness

If you already have an established career, you may have experienced the unnerving moments in which you think, “can I keep this up?” Know that we’ve all been there. Your Friends in the Fight™ know how it feels and have found some ways of getting through it.

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Friends in the Fight™ chronic illness stories

How Artist Turned Their Chronic Pain Into Works of Art

Here are five artists who managed to bring out a wellspring of creativity by turning their chronic pain into art.

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When Doctors Assume You Have an Eating Disorder

We recently heard from our community about another unhelpful assumption – that a patient losing weight has an eating disorder.  Believing patients when they are concerned that something else might be wrong is crucial.

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Finding Inner Peace in the Midst of Chronic Illness Treatment

Despite this complex emotional landscape, there are so many things you can do to keep your mental health in good shape and find peace in the midst of treatment! Here are just a few of our favorites.

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4 Tips on Supporting a Chronically Ill Friend or Love One

Navigating friendships through illness can be tricky, but we feel grateful every day for the wonderful friends who keep us fighting.  To be a great friend to a spoonie, here are some things you might want to know.

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5 Tips For a Successful Life When Living With a Chronic Illness or Disability

It wasn’t long until Lian knew she had to change my mindset and find ways to stop being frustrated by her limitations so she could start living a successful life with her disability. Here are the 5 lessons Lian's learned the hard way.

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