
diabetes resource center

If you’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, the good news is that plenty of research is available. Here are some tips from chatting with our diabetic Friends in the Fight™.

diabetes resources

Diagnosed With Diabetes… Now What?

Getting a new diagnosis can bring on complicated emotions. You may be relieved to finally get answers, scared of the future, and overwhelmed. To get started, here are some tips we’ve gathered from chatting with our diabetic Friends in the Fight™.

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5 Diabetes Resources That Will Empower You

Diabetes and its myriad impacts on daily life are complicated to navigate. Wherever you are on your journey, looking for fresh tips, or just someone trying to learn to better support someone – we’ve put together this diabetes resource guide to get you started.

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Dealing With Diabetic Eye Disease

When you think of diabetes, eye problems are likely not the first thing that comes to mind. However, serious damage can be caused to the blood vessels in the eye when blood sugar levels in the body rise above normal. Here are a few tips for dealing with diabetic eye disease.

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Diabetes Gift Guide: The Best Gifts for Diabetes Patients

If you are searching for a gift that shows you care, check out this diabetes gift guide for a list of the best gifts for diabetes patients!

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building support networks

4 Tips on Supporting a Chronically Ill Friend or Love One

Navigating friendships through illness can be tricky, but we feel grateful every day for the wonderful friends who keep us fighting.  To be a great friend to a spoonie, here are some things you might want to know:

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4 Ways To Build Strong Relationships Despite Chronic illness

Chronic illness ramps up these less-than-sexy aspects of relationships.  So how can we work on maintaining and celebrating our relationships without letting illness dominate the routine and conversation? Here are 4 tips to help you achieve just that.

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Friends in the Fight™ living with diabetes

Be inspired: Life as an Athlete, Runner & Type-1 Diabetic

Erika Young: a 30-year-old young professional with Type 1 Diabetes and a Mighty Well model. Her illness didn’t stop her from pushing the boundaries of her physical limits.

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Meet Isabelle Edwards: Type 2 Diabetes & Gastroparesis Warrior

Isabelle Edwards is known on the internet as the Diabetes Diva, and if you ever have the privilege of meeting her, you will understand why. Isabelle lives with type 2 diabetes, and her enthusiasm for life, her kindness, and her glamour are what you remember.

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