
digital learning and video library

Overwhelmed by your medical device or a new diagnosis?
Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with our patient-friendly Digital Learning Hubs.
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Your first PICC line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter), will likely come with a bunch of questions. Don’t worry; we've got you covered.

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Are you just getting a port or transitioning from PICC to Port? Here's all the info you'll need, including personal tips from co-founder Emily Levy.

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Feeding Tubes

For many people with GI challenges, eating and drinking may not be the best way to get nutrition. Click here to learn more about Feeding Tubes.

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Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)

Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is when nutrients are given directly into the bloodstream through a long-term intravenous catheter like a PICC. Click here to learn more about TPN.

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Just diagnosed with cancer and wondering what comes next, or looking to support a loved one? Check out our Cancer hub for advice and personal experiences from Friends in the Fight.

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If you’ve just been diagnosed with diabetes, the good news is that plenty of research is available. Here are some tips from chatting with our diabetic Friends in the Fight.

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EDS & Co

From the basics to tips and tricks to patient stories, learn more about Ehlers-Danlos syndromes & co-morbidities here.

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Multiple Sclerosis

Are you looking for advice and patient stories on Multiple Sclerosis? Look no further, catch up with a few of our Ambassadors on their experiences here.

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Cystic Fibrosis

We’ve heard from some of our Friends in the Fight who have been facing this disease for most of their lives. One message that came through was the dire need for more awareness. Check about the CF hub to get started.

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Chronic Illness

Looking for general advice and tips on chronic illness as a whole? From patient stories to general tips, start here.

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Crohns & Colitis

What exactly are Crohn's and Colitis? Real stories from actual patients as they take steps to make life easier with these diseases.

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Where Mighty Well started: get expert tips from co-founder Emily and her journey living with Lyme.

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Having strength while living with Gastroparesis can be challenging. Get tips from patients who live day-in and out with this disease.

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